Hey there, conscious creator! Why do our deepest desires go unmanifested? Why do so many of us, despite our good intentions, fail to make lasting changes in our lives? And why is it that, year after year, research shows nearly 90% of people abandon their New Year’s Resolutions by February? The answer is simple: We give up too soon. When progress takes longer than expected and challenges arise, most of us ghost our desires. This is where dreams go to die. But why? Why do we set sail with a burning desire, only to abandon ship shortly after leaving the dock? Some will blame a lack of motivation, poor planning, or impatience. But these are just symptoms of the real culprit:
Deep down, something inside us doesn’t believe we can manifest our desired reality.
If intention and desire are the foundation of manifestation, belief is the catalyst—and it shows up in two critical ways:
In a previous edition, I shared how to bolster self-belief by uncovering and rewiring the limiting beliefs that hold us back. Today, I want to focus on that second element: cultivating an unshakeable belief that your manifestation is on its way, no matter the obstacles you may encounter. This is the Law of Positive Expectancy—maintaining zero doubts that your desired reality will manifest. Let’s be clear though: This isn’t about forced positivity or pretending everything is fine. It’s not about “good vibes only.” It’s about trusting, believing, and expecting something before it can be seen or proven. And if you were to boil down the art of conscious manifesting down to one idea it would be just that. Remember manifestation is a spiritual art, not a psychological exercise—which means conviction is the spark that ignites your power to consciously create your reality. You must fully believe—not just in yourself but in the inevitability of your manifestation. This is what separates those who manifest their desires and those who give up too soon. In this edition, we’ll explore the vital role belief plays in manifestation and how you can strengthen your “belief muscles” to navigate challenges, stay the course, and bring the life you envision into being. The Power of Relentless Expectancy: Refuse To Believe Anything ElseManifestation like all spiritual arts, is energy work. And all forms of energy work come down to being in a state of resonance instead of worrying about whether the experience you desire will manifest or how it will come to be. Resonance means matching the energy of your desired experience—which requires an understated confidence—a self-assuredness that says: “It’s coming. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not even a year from now. But it’s going to happen.” A Personal StoryFor the past two years, I’ve been manifesting healing for my right eye. In 2022, I detached my retina, which led to vision loss and a slew of cornea issues. I’ve seen some of the best eye specialists in the world, and they’re all baffled by why my vision hasn’t fully returned. Some even told me to move on, claiming it likely never would. But I refused to believe that. So I went to work, embarking on a self-healing journey, trusting and knowing my vision would be restored. And while the journey has been frustrating, and progress nonexistent at times, I kept going, believing in a reality where my eye is fully healed. Whenever friends and family asked how my eye was doing, I would simply say: “it’s taking time, but eventually it’s going to happen.” And guess what? My vision has finally started to improve. In my most recent vision test, I managed to jump three lines. No longer stuck at the big “E.” And I’m not stopping there—not until my eyesight is completely restored, no matter how long it takes. Why? Because I expect it to happen. This is the power of relentless expectancy. It’s knowing that the reality you want is already out there, making its way to you—because you’re tuning into a deep truth within yourself, resonating and bonding energetically with that potential, and expecting to bring it into your life. And you refuse to believe anything else. Your Energy Speaks Before You DoThis Law of Positive Expectancy is ultimately about energy expression when you’re going about your life, working towards your desired reality. This expression is a blend of all your thoughts, emotions, and actions, creating a unique energetic signature that constantly broadcasts to the world. That energy speaks for us before we ever utter a word or make a move. What is yours saying? So this is about an attitude or aura you carry and less about what you do or say. Because you can “think positive” and take all the appropriate actions towards a goal, but if you’re carrying the energy of doubt, it’s a recipe for resistance. If you’re questioning whether your dreams are coming true or not, you’re sabotaging your own creative energy. On the other hand. if your energy speaks of confidence, certainty, and trust, you stay aligned with your desired future reality—regardless of what setbacks or challenges are thrown your way. The Hidden Trap in Meditation and Visualization TechniquesHere’s something else to keep in mind about demonstrating positive expectancy. There’s a misconception that manifestation occurs when you’re deep in meditation or while visualizing your desires coming true. In reality, your manifestation is set in motion after you’ve meditated—when you return to your daily life, genuinely believing you’re becoming the person you desire to be. Again, energy and attitude! Technically, if you’re crystal clear on what you want, you only need to meditate on your desire or use a manifestation technique once—provided you’re sustaining that feeling of positive expectancy in your daily life. Repeatedly visualizing or doing any manifestation technique for the same desire implies you don’t fully expect it to happen. Instead of trusting the process, you’re trying to force it into existence. But you’re shooting yourself in the foot. You might think you expect it to happen but your energy says otherwise. Remember, the power of manifestation lies not in any technique itself, but in the aftereffects of it—in the embodiment of your desire as a state of being within your life. This is where the Law of Resonance and identity shifting come into play: Your reality doesn’t manifest from what you obsessively focus on, but from who you are being. When you fully expect your desire to materialize, you’ll naturally align your energy with that expectation. This alignment amplifies your state of resonance and it accelerates the manifestation as a self-fulfilling prophecy. 4 Ways To Boost Positive ExpectancyHere are four practical ways to strengthen and sustain positive expectancy in your manifestation journey. 1. Cultivate “Gratitude ahead of the event.”After setting your intention, take a moment to call in gratitude for your desire coming to fruition. Not just thinking gratitude, but actually feeling grateful “as if” what you want already happened—to the point that your mind and body start to believe it’s true. 2. Start with smaller goals.Bigger transformations require a bigger threshold of positive expectancy. If you’re struggling to believe your desire will manifest, start with a smaller, more attainable goal. As you manifest these smaller wins, you’ll build confidence and create tangible proof for your mind that consciously creating your reality is indeed possible. 3. Demonstrate expectancy through your actions and behavior.To truly embody the energy of positive expectancy, you need to demonstrate it through your daily choices and actions. This includes being mindful of the tiny daily habits and behaviors you perform on auto-pilot that go unnoticed. Do they demonstrate positive expectancy? Or are they reflecting doubt or lack? 4. Celebrate progress and synchronicities.Every step forward is a sign you’re on the right path. Celebrate each win, no matter how small, and take note of the serendipities that show up along the way. Reflect on them and feel grateful for them. Your Next Step: One Final ReflectionWith all that said, you still need to give your desire time to manifest. You heard the saying: “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” But I heard someone follow that up with: “But they were laying bricks every hour.” The same applies here. Take the necessary actions toward your manifestation, but don’t be impatient and allow your journey to unfold on its own timing. You wouldn’t plant seeds today and expect a full bloom tomorrow. The key is maintaining positive expectancy throughout the journey—even when it feels like a long, winding road. When frustration creeps in, just think of me and my eye. Ask yourself: “How steady is my belief?” It might be rock solid today, but when progress is slow and you face obstacles in your path, what’s going to win out?
The choice is yours. With gratitude. 🙏🏻 Hit reply and let me know what you think and if you have any questions. You are a Conscious Creator of your reality! ![]() ![]() Anthony V. Lombardo
https://anthonyvlombardo.com P.S. To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add anthony@anthonyvlombardo.com to your contacts. Gmail users, don't forget to move this email out of your "Promotions" and into "Primary" |
Inspiration and wisdom to help you navigate your path and consciously create a life of meaning, purpose, and one that you absolutely love.
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